Meet Ruiyi

Meet Ruiyi

Ruiyi and her husband moved to Calgary in 2023, having previously resided in Ontario and Japan, where she earned a master’s in economics. With a background in finance, Ruiyi aspires to return to the field one day. Shortly after moving to Calgary however, Ruiyi...
Meet Natalia

Meet Natalia

Natalia was born and raised in Moldova, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in medicine and pharmacy and worked several years in social services. Natalia and her husband moved to Canada in 2013. She and her family were living in Saskatchewan when they took a...
Meet Jia Yan

Meet Jia Yan

Jiayan was born and raised in China. With a master’s degree in education and experience as a Project Analyst, she moved to Canada in 2022 eager to expand her horizons and make a meaningful impact in her new community. Since 2023, Jiayan has been a dedicated volunteer...
Meet Maria

Meet Maria

Maria was a young child when her family moved to Calgary from Pakistan. She holds a Bachelor of Science and is a researcher at one of Calgary’s hospitals.   Maria was motivated to volunteer and support immigrant youth as she remembered her personal immigration...
Meet Janice

Meet Janice

Janice was born and raised in Calgary. Prior to retirement she worked in the insurance industry. Janice first learned about CIWA at a craft fair in the lobby of her former office building. She visited CIWA’s Craft table and purchased an apron that quickly became one...