Employment Synergies for Immigrant Women

Project Description

This project aims to address the challenges Calgary employers have in filling job vacancies. Employment Synergies will provide support for employers to enhance connections to immigrant women seeking employment.

Who Will Benefit

Are you an employer looking for a diverse workforce?
We provide:

  • Job design services to increase the employers’ ability to connect with potential job seekers
  • Recruitment services to help employers assess and shortlist possible candidates
  • Labour market services to help employers understand the changing skills and qualifications of immigrant women settling in Calgary
  • Information referrals and resources to help employers navigate and access services that support their hiring and retention of immigrant women
  • Employment promotion services to help employers raise awareness of employment opportunities available within their organization

Are you an immigrant woman facing challenges finding a job?

For more information, please email: EmploymentSynergies@ciwa-online.com

Do you have open positions to be filled or looking for job? Click the button below.

Funded by:

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