Nina is a CIWA alumna. While she attended the Career Services for Foreign Trained Professionals program, Nina assisted the Administrative Department as part of her practicum training. She was then as a Receptionist after her graduation. Being a former client herself, Nina deeply enjoys being part of the positive transformation that CIWA has on their clients.


“CIWA opened the door for me to complete my practicum and retained me as a formal employee.”

When Nina moved to Canada three years ago, she tried so hard to start over on her own. She was starting to feel discouraged until she accessed CIWA. As an immigrant woman, she understands and sympathizes with other newcomers.

“Besides culture shock and language barrier, some immigrant women may feel lost in a new country”

Nina hopes to work with other immigrant women to help break down barriers. Nina feels proud to be part of CIWA as she feels she is able to assist immigrant women in finding their way and helping bridge the gap to a fresh start.

Nina also speaks Mandarin. Outside of work, Nina enjoys collecting handmade vintage items from thrift stores. She adores the one-of-a-kind beauty of handmade items and appreciates the history behind her collections.

CIWA is grateful for Nina’s commitment and dedication to support the organization’s mission and vision. 

To learn more about job opportunities at CIWA, click here.