Meet George

Meet George

Meet George. He is a volunteer in employment skills programs and is August’s Volunteer of the Month.

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Meet Aparna

Meet Aparna

Meet Aparna. She is July’s Volunteer of the Month and now a proud member of the CIWA team.

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Meet Umi

Meet Umi

Meet Umi. She is a CIWA volunteer with the Volunteer Program and is the Volunteer of the Month for June.

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Meet Elohor

Meet Elohor

Meet Elohor. She is a Career Counsellor for the Pre-Employment Skills Program at CIWA.

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Meet Julia

Meet Julia

Meet Julia. She is the Career Counsellor for the Links to Young Adult Employment program at CIWA.

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Meet Winnie

Meet Winnie

Meet Winnie. She is a volunteer in the Pebbles in the Sand program and May’s Volunteer of the Month.

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Meet Jaeeun

Meet Jaeeun

Meet Jaeeun. She is the Career Counsellor for the Bridge to Success for Professional Immigrant Women program.

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Meet Miriam

Meet Miriam

Meet Miriam. She is currently a volunteer and has been working with the Food Service Training Program.

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Meet Maribel

Meet Maribel

Meet Maribel. She is a client in the Food Service Training program and immigrated here from Colombia.

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