Meet Rong

Meet Rong

Meet Rong. She currently volunteers for CIWA’s Everyday English for Seniors project.

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Meet Fatima.

Meet Fatima.

Meet Fatima. She is the Manager of Communications and Marketing at CIWA.

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Meet Fatima

Meet Fatima

Meet Fatima. She currently volunteers for CIWA’s Youth Mentorship Program.

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Meet Diana

Meet Diana

Meet Diana. She is a volunteer for CIWA’s New Friends and Neighbourhood Groups Program.

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Meet Gurpreet

Meet Gurpreet

Meet Gurpreet: CIWA’s Program Liaison for LINC and Pebbles in the Sand programs.

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Meet  Maleeka

Meet Maleeka

Meet Maleeka. She is a volunteer for CIWA’s Immigrant Girls, Boys, and More program.

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Meet Novelyn

Meet Novelyn

Meet Novelyn. She is the Program Liaison for CIWA’s Intake, Referral and Services.

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Meet Nafeesa.

Meet Nafeesa.

Meet Nafeesa. She currently volunteers for CIWA’s Mindfulness Support for Immigrant Seniors Project and Everyday English for Seniors Project.

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Meet June

Meet June

Meet June. She is the Team Leader of the Family Resources Network – Home Visitation Program.

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