
Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association truly believes in volunteerism and the potential of all women. Volunteers are a precious resource to our agency and allow us to promote and enhance our services. The mission of the Volunteer Program is to empower immigrant women through volunteering and recruiting exceptional volunteers to support CIWA’s programs and services. Why do you volunteer for CIWA?

Volunteer of the Month

Every year, CIWA volunteers tirelessly provide thousands of hours of support for immigrant women and their families in Calgary. Without their support and contribution, CIWA would not be able to run the day to day activities of the organization. CIWA recognizes the hard work and outstanding efforts that our volunteers contribute every day to our programs and services through our Volunteer of the Month Initiative.

Click here for the volunteer of the month!

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Governance Committee Member

CIWA’s Board is supported by three volunteer committees, each made up of community members with relevant expertise. For 2025/26, we are seeking to recruit a new Governance Committee Member. This is a volunteer position. The successful Governance Committee Member will play a vital role in supporting the CIWA Board’s governance work, which includes:

  • Overseeing CIWA’s bylaws, Board policies, and strategic planning framework,
  • Maintaining and improving the Board’s governance practices,
  • Providing high-level oversight of CIWA’s operations,
  • Training and orientating new Board Members, and
  • Promoting CIWA’s values, i.e., Integrity, Equity, Inclusiveness, Innovation and Leadership.

Send your resume to boardhr@ciwa-online.com with a cover letter outlining your relevant experience and why you would like to volunteer with CIWA as a Governance Committee Member. Application deadline is March 31, 2025. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and CIWA encourages candidates to apply early.

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Monday Craft Group

Immigrant women volunteers get together once a week for 3 hours to create small craft projects. Craft activities include; making cards, small felt projects, glycerin soap, potentially small knitting and crocheting, and other craft projects. Volunteers have the opportunity to socialize, learn/share skills and express their creativity with others that share similar interests. The group meets every Monday from 9:30am-12:30pm. All items created will go towards CIWA craft sales.

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Program Workshop/Group Support

Volunteers for this position will develop leadership skills through supporting leaders and clients within a program designed to empower and make a difference through innovative service projects. Volunteers will contribute in sustaining a safe and fun environment that fosters friendships and builds self-esteem in young immigrant women ages 15-30.

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Youth Career Exploration Mentor

Volunteer mentors will make a difference in the lives of youth by supporting them through similar life experiences, help youth with career choices and professional development. Mentors will develop interpersonal and communication skills while learning and being inspired by their mentee.

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Girl’s Culture Club In-School Support

Volunteers who support Girls Culture Club will gain valuable hands-on experience working with youth from 10-17 (pending on location). Volunteers will have fun connecting with youth, build their self-esteem, help girls build connections and friendships.

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Everyday English for Seniors Classroom Support

The project targets both male and female immigrant seniors over 55 years of age. The volunteer will provide both classroom and one-on-one support to students as directed by the teacher. The time commitment is 2-8 hours a week for a total of 16 weeks per intake. Morning and afternoon shifts are available.

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Volunteer Interpreter

Volunteers who provide interpretation support to clients will gain a sense of satisfaction and pride knowing they are the bridge that spans communication between two people. Oftentimes without the interpreter a clear route of communication doesn’t happen. Volunteers will constantly learn new things, be exposed to a variety of settings, personal and/or professional grown and more.

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