Meet Diana

Meet Diana

Diana Reid was born and raised in Edmonton. She has lived in Calgary for over 35 years and has two adult children and a teenage son. Diana holds a Diploma in Addiction Studies with Aboriginal Focus and is currently working towards her certification in Women’s Studies....
Meet Gurpreet

Meet Gurpreet

Gurpreet has been with CIWA since 2015, teaching and supporting immigrant women with their English language skills through her roles in Language Training and Childcare Department. Gurpreet moved to Canada to find new adventures and set new goals in a new country. She...
Find out how you can help Ukraine.

Find out how you can help Ukraine.

CIWA has mobilized the following efforts to support Ukrainian families as they arrive in Calgary: CIWA’s services for Ukrainian families include: Rental subsidies for three months in the amount of $500/month for 10 Ukrainian families (total of $15K) either in...
Meet  Maleeka

Meet Maleeka

Maleeka was a young girl when her family migrated to Canada. Her parents moved from Pakistan to provide excellent opportunities for their children. Maleeka is currently earning a Bachelor of Science from University of Calgary. In the fall of 2021, Maleeka began...
Meet Novelyn

Meet Novelyn

Novelyn joined CIWA in 2018 as an administrative assistant for Settlement and Integration Program. She first learned about CIWA through a friend, who helped her access settlement and employment supports at CIWA. Novelyn eventually volunteered with the Filipino...