Cecilia Awoyemi and Maria Ana Corazon Espiritu were awarded the 2019 University of Calgary Continuing Education Scholarship on June 12th.
Cecilia Awoyemi moved to Canada with her family in 2018. She is a professional administrator with 7+ years’ experience in providing administrative and customer service support including 4 years as an HR professional specializing in recruitment. Cecilia holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos Akoka, Nigeria, and a Master of Arts degree in HR Management from the De Montfort University Leicester, UK. She is a participant of the Bridge to Success for Professional Immigrant Women program and has secured an HR practicum placement with Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP Law Firm. As part of her 5 year career plan, Cecilia would like to take the Human Resource Management Certificate at the University of Calgary.
Maria Ana Corazon Espiritu is a Filipino immigrant who arrived in Canada in June 2018. Prior to her arrival in Canada, Maria Ana graduated from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science and worked as a college librarian at the University of the Philippines for five years. She recently finished the Labour Market Bridging for Volunteers: Interpretation and Translation program and is currently a certified Tagalog community interpreter for the Filipino community in Calgary. Maria Ana is an active volunteer in the community and a lifelong learner in her own right. Her personal and professional interest is focused on social services, family reunification and adult education.